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DOB: 29/10/1997

Hometown: Auckland, North Shore

Home Mountain: Cardrona / Rusutsu Resort

How old were you when you first started skiing?

I was two years old when I first flew down the slopes of Ruapehu in New Zealand, apparently singing all the way! I was told I took to skiing like a duck to water and have been addicted to that white powdery stuff ever since (I'm talking snow here!).

Hobbies: Surfing, hockey, Gym and punting on the stock market but nothing tops skiing.

What do you do in the summer?

Road trips in the Jeep to the numerous surfing locations around New Zealand's extensive coastlines, surfing as I go.

Plans for this year?

Graduate from highschool. Ski some pow. Plan for the future.

What would you be doing if you didn't ski?

Getting steamed in the onsen. nah this is really a question that shouldn't be contemplated. Can't imagine my life without skiing.

What's your perfect day consist of?

Any kind of spontaneous adventure that gets my adrenaline going is hard to beat. discovering chest high powder pockets in Japan followed by a bone chilling surf on the East coast of Japan watching snowflakes line up on my surfboard as I wait for the sets to roll in, afterwards onsen. Priceless!

Favorite skiing memory: becoming the U16 Super G champion in NZ. Skiing the deepest pow of my life in the 2014/15 season in Japan with my good mate Gen.

Favorite place to ski?

Hokkaido, Japan. Off Trail is always an adventure and a half, the resorts there are top quality and the Japanese are amazing people.

Had any injuries skiing?

The worst ski injury I've sustained was a serious crash during a New Zealand slalom championship in 2010. Approaching a gate my ski tip caught a rock flipping me into a cork 360. Landing on my head it was goodnight irene for me for a while, resulting in a major concussion.

Favorite Skiers?

Candide Thovex, Kaj Zackrisson, Mark Abma, Carlo Janka

Goals for the future?

I would love to land some rad butters off a mushroom powder line. An all time goal would definitely be making it to British Columbia for some heli.