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DOB: 01/17/1997

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Home Mountain: Park City, UT

How old were you when you started skiing? I started skiing at 2 years old and started competing in moguls at 8 years old.

Hobbies other than skiing? Waterskiing, golf, fishing, tennis, mountain biking.

What do you do in the summer? I spend a lot of time training for skiing at camps in Mt. Hood, Oregon or Australia. I also water ramp and do a lot of gym work at Park City, Utah. I like to fish and waterski a lot when I am not training.

What would you be doing if you didn’t ski? Going to school and doing other athletic activities.

What's your perfect day consist of?  My perfect day consists of any day where I can ski, but I do not have to. I prefer days where I can just go up and have fun without the added pressures from coaches or competitions.

Favorite skiing memory: My favorite memory skiing was traveling to Junior World Championships in Åre, Sweden with my Dad and coach. I skied well, got fourth place both days, and had an overall fun trip.

Favorite place to ski? My favorite place to ski is Squaw Valley, CA because I grew up skiing there with my family. 

Had any injuries skiing? I broke my ankle at Selections in December 2015.

Favorite skier? Mikael Kingsbury