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DOB: 08/18/1995

Hometown: Pocatello, Idaho

Home Mountain: Pebble Creek Ski Area

How old were you when you started skiing? My parents taught me how to ski when I was two years old.

Hobbies other than skiing? Trail run, mountain bike, soccer, sudoku.

What do you do in the summer? In the summer I spend most of my time at the Utah Olympic Park practicing jumps for the winter.

What would you be doing if you didn’t ski? If I didn’t ski I would probably be finishing up my degree at Westminster and pursuing other adventures.

What's your perfect day consist of? My perfect day would be waking up to a ton of powder, skiing fresh tracks, then finishing up with some iconic Pebble Creek fries.

Favorite skiing memory: My favorite skiing memory is from two years ago when I went on a backcountry ski trip with SheJumps. We spent a week in a little lodge that could only be accessed by helicopter in the Selkirk Mountains of British Columbia. The helicopter ride might have been the coolest fifteen minutes of my life - and the skiing was pretty awesome too.

Favorite place to ski? My favorite place to ski is in Big Sky, Montana on a run called Mad Wolf.

Had any injuries skiing? I’ve had black eyes, fat lips, and lost toenails, but I’ve been pretty lucky so far.

Favorite skier? Angel Collinson