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DOB: 27/11/1992

Hometown: Adelaide, South Australia

Home Mountain: Mt Hotham, VIC

What do you do in the summer? I haven’t had a summer since 2010, iv been working back to back seasons as an ski instructor to afford living in the snow year round.

Plans for this year? Travelling and filming as much as possible through Japan and Jackson Hole. Then starting uni in Melbourne.

What would you be doing if you didn’t ski? Probably mountain biking.

What's your perfect day consist of? Touring out to a remote location with some good mates to jump off cliffs and ski deep pow.

Favorite place to ski? Hard to pick one place, anywhere that has good terrain and snow really. Good company is always key too.

If you could ski anywhere, where would you go? Probably somewhere in Alaska. I think its most big mountain skiers dream to be heli dropped into Alaska somewhere.

Had any injuries skiing? Got my arm hooked around a tree in Whistler and dislocated my shoulder, lots of small injures here and there too.

Favorite skier? Probably Richard Permin or Sean Pettit. They just look like they’re always having a rad time skiing, and they always send it huge.

Goals for the future? Learning how to do tricks off cliffs is something id love to learn. Mainly just having as much fun skiing with mates and getting to travel the world doing it.

Shout outs: Mum and Dad for helping out with everything along the way. All my mates who help push me to ski better and try new stuff.